Interior Painting
Vivid colors, perfect finishes and the best paint on the market. Your interior projects in the hands of professionals.
Power Washing
We clean any surface, in all types of material, with high-tech equipment, friendly to the environment and with low water consumption. We are leaders in power washing services.
Exterior Painting
New life to your outdoor spaces. Walls, floors, balconies... Leave everything in our hands!
Cabinet Refinishing
Whether your cabinets are looking worn or you just want to change their color or tone, we can do the job of refinishing them... You'll be amazed at the results!
Epoxy Flooring
Our epoxy floor systems feature high-performance chemical, stain and wear resistance in solid color and decorative options for any kind of zone.
I, Jendry fulgencio am the founder and owner of good look painting. I started the career back in the early 2000s. In construction at the age of 23 years old. Ten years later I became passionate about painting and decided to establish my own paining company, Good look painting. In which I’ve worked as a sub contractor with multiple different companies. I was honored to be recognized at a convention, as the top painter out of 6,000 contestants from the US and Canada. This experience made my love and appreciation for paint grow fonder. Because of this, I decided to become an independent contractor. Today i have completed well over than 300 residential homes and more than 65 commercial projects all thanks to those who have continued to support me and encourage me in my career.